
00-26-00 Advertising in this term

This week is week ten, and it means after I finish this week's things, I can go home.
I can go back to China for the winter break.

J456 is my first class for the advertising.
I think it help me a lot, and let me know what is the advertising, and it also let me know how the advertising work in the society.
Deb is a very good teacher, she helped me a lot, not only for the class, but also helped me to understand how to select the classes in the next term, and also how to plan my future.

Right now, I am working on my final project with my teammates. We are going to create something different. SO, let see what will happen???

Well, just work hard, because everything you got right now will on your FINAL!

Practice, Ask, Recode, Knowledge.
DO it in my final....

